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Custom Chips

With Re-useable


Go to Market Faster in Months

Slash Dev Costs by Millions

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News: Low Latency 200G Chiplet

Manufactured in affordable 12nm node - low cost & Ultra low Latency 

Patented PHY suppports UCIe A and UCIe-S on same Chiplet

Available in 2025 - Read all about our recent announcement :Click Here

Check out brochure on Chiplet powered Custom SIlicon

Intoto SOCwithYorChip.pdf

YorChip Known Good Die and Security solution - read the latest news

Low Cost Chiplet with low Power and High performnce coming soon

Ultra Low Latency Digital IP for AI/ML

Sub 6 ns Ethernet MAC/PCS 10G-100G

Sub 10 nS Port to Port Switch Latency

Available for design in Now

Worlds First FPGA Chiplet Platform

Download Document 

UCIe Dual PHY News - read all about it:  Dual PHY PR July 25 2023 

UCIe Dual PHY News - read all about it:  Dual PHY PR July 25 2023 

$1 Chiplet News - read all about it: YorChip & Siloxit News June 27th 2023 

contact us for more information 

2603 Camino Ramon, Suite 200

San Ramon, CA 94583